Adyasha Pattanayak

i am an engineering student

about me

about me

my name is adyasha pattanayak

I am pursuing my Bachelors in Information Technology. I am a tech enthusiast and passionate learner. I always believe in time-management and punctuality. I am skilled in HTML, CSS, JavaScript,Java, Python and C.Have knowledge in Bootstrap, React js, MongoDb, Nodejs. I have done various small projects. I also like competitive coding and contribute to open source network. I am focusing on Web development and Web designing . Apart from that I like to read books and I am a trained Classical Dancer.

age: 20

gender: Female

education: Bachelors in Technology

Stream: Information Technology

College : Odisha University of Technology and Research ,Bhubaneswar

email :

phone : +91-7894996488

address : Station Bazar Cuttack,Odisha, india -753003

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my education


  • Graduation Year:2023
  • Score:9.60(till 5th semester)
  • University:Odisha University ofTechnology and Research ,Bhubaneswar

Higher Secondary Education

  • Graduation Year:2019
  • Score:First Division
  • University:Ravenshaw Higher Secondary School,Cuttack

Secondary Education

  • Graduation Year:2017
  • Score:94%
  • School:S.C.B Medical Public School, Cuttack


  • HTML5

  • CSS3

  • JavaScript

  • JQuery

  • React Js

  • Node Js

  • my Projects

    E-learning Site

    I am working on a Chat Application using MERN stack (Ongoing)

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    Created a small website about pokemon using react hooks and components

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    Weather App

    I formed a website that gives information about weather of a particular area

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    Payment Gateway Integration

    I formed a website for donation purpose .Here users can donate to the foundation using razorpay payments and will get an e-receipt

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    Houseprice Prediction Model

    I build a House price prediction model using Linear Regression concept of Machine Learning. I used python for coding.

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    Loan Prediction Model

    I build a loan prediction model using concepts of Machine Learning. I used python and matplotlib for coding.

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    Landing Page for Spectrum Club

    I designed a website for the technical club of my college Spectrum as a task . It has user log-in and Sign-up facilities with profile page.I used PHP for backend and mysql for database.

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    my certifications

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